Multiserver: the brain of automated crop storage
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El Multiserver controla el clima dentro su almacén de cebollas, papas....
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Agrovent, BrimaPack, Samos, Verbruggen, Eqraft, SKALS, Marcelissen, Beemsterboer storage

The Multiserver has an interface that you can use to manage your storage systems on your computer or even your smartphone, from anywhere with internet access.

Multiserver screens

Multiserver touchscreen
Multiserver touchscreen
Multiserver, with touchscreen makes it possible to manage the storage conditions via the internet

The MULTISERVER is the brains behind all of Agrovent's drying and storage facilities. It comes with a touchscreen, which is the interface or means of communication between the Multiserver, the storage equipment, the operator and, via the internet, Agrovent back in the Netherlands.

This system allows you to control your entire storage facility, including any stand alone units, from your smartphone and from anywhere in the world.

This system also ensures continual online service from Agrovent.

The system has three layers of security which are protected by different access codes:

  1. One for the operator, to show them what the storage system is doing in each unit.
  2. The next layer is for the owner, who can change the basic settings for their drying and storage system.
  3. The highest level is for the owner and Agrovent, to carry out updates and make more precise technical adjustments.

Below are images of the different screens on the interface:

This interface makes controlling these systems as easy as ABC.

Main screen for  the storage system with Combivent
Main screen for the storage system with Combivent

Main screen for  the bulk storage system
Main screen for the bulk storage system
Screenshot blocking un authorized access
This window pops up asking for the relevant codes if somebody attempts to make unauthorised access.
Screens shot touchscreen automated storage control
A screen displaying the relevant data for two units for a client on the other side of the world
This screen displays the temperatures of each thermostat monitoring the produce.
This screen displays the temperatures of each thermostat monitoring the produce. In this case, five of the six sensors are being used.
Screenshot automated storage climate control
During installation, Agrovent and the owner enter the access codes on this screen for each of the three levels of security.

A screen to configure the thermostats for a storage unit.
A screen to configure the thermostats for a storage unit.

Control your storage facility from anywhere you like, 24 hours a day

To mechanise your post harvest processes:
contact us:
+1 239 3002374
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Address: Farm San Isidro, Volcán, Panama.

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