Onions, potatoes, carrots: grading equipment
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The most used grading systems for onions and potatoes: ...

Graders or sizers. for onions, potatoes, carrots, beets, etc.

There is a variety of systems or principles to grade (size) onions, potatoes, carrots, beets or similar products.

Grading adds a lot of value to your product, it gives the consumer a choice. Just ask the person who does the shopping at home.

Here you will find the most common systems used all over the world, just click an image to see more details, explanations and movies about that particular grading system:

Optical sizers

Optical sizers

Grade with stainless steel rollers

Grade with stainless steel rollers

Grade through metal grids

Grade through metal grids

Size by weight

Size by weight

Grade using rubber bets

Grade using rubber bets

Grading with perforated rubber belts

Grading with perforated rubber belts

Clasificar con rodillos

Next up: Optical graders

  1. Grading by rollers that distance themselves while moving.
  2. Grading through sieves or grating.
  3. Grading weighing unit by unit.
  4. High capacity grading over a belt grader.

And many more.....

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Address: Farm San Isidro, Volcán, Panama.

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