Trucks, with a discharge conveyor.
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Las unidades de transporte con cinta de descarga trasera.
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Trucks, with a discharge conveyor, to transport potato or onion crop from the field.

Trucks with rear discharge conveyor belts.

The different configurations of trucks or trailers with rear discharge conveyors.

Truck with a rear discharge conveyor belt fully loaded with freshly harvested potatoes.

Truck with unloading conveyor belt, Farm Frites in Argentina.

The conveyor may be driven by:

  • An electric motor, then you need an electrical outlet where you unload.
  • A hydraulic motor driven by the truck itself, that makes the unit completely independent. This makes it possible to unload anywhere.

Also, fully pre-fabricated boxes, exist with their discharge conveyor. Theses are simply placed on a truck or cart during the time of harvest. See picture below:

Transport unit with discharge conveyor, suitable to be placed on a flat bed truck.

Transport unit with discharge conveyor, suitable to be placed on a flat bed truck.

Transport unit with wheels.

Transport unit with wheels.

Transport unit without wheels.

Transport unit without wheels.

Close-up of the discharge conveyor and its outlet.

Close-up of the discharge conveyor and it's outlet valve.

The discharged conveyor in the onion truck is roofed over to avoid choking

Inside, over the conveyor belt, a structure is mounted, to avoid choking during un-loading.

These units generate a constant and adjustable flow of harvested potatoes or onions, to fill up bulk- or box- storage facilities for onions or potatoes.

These trucks are loaded during harvesting and transport the crop to the handling or storage facility.

These units come with hydraulic or electrical drives for their conveyors. The hydraulically driven drives use the truck as a power source while the electrically driven drives need an external power source.

To mechanise your post harvest processes:
contact us:
+1 239 3002374
or use our (preferable)
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Address: Farm San Isidro, Volcán, Panama.

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