During drying, onions go through six different phases.
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Las seis fases del secado de la cebolla.
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During the drying process, the stem dries and seals the onion from the outside, which is very important.

The six phases of drying onions

In this example, we took:

A variety not suitable for storage (GLAD ALLAN BROWN), with the intention of highlighting the different phases.

It was harvested prematurely, to better demonstrate the phases.

A freshly cut and wet onion.

Phase 1: A freshly harvested, moist onion.

Some onions will show sprouting

Phase 2: Some onions will show sprouting, especially when harvested prematurely.

The neck and bud drying.

Phase 3: The neck and stem drying.

Very important: The neck is sealing.

Phase 4: Very important: The neck is sealing.

This is how an onion should come out of the store with the neck/stem well sealed and dry.

Phase 5: This is how an onion should come out of the store, with the neck/stem well sealed and dry.

Final product, after having cut the stem and cleaned the onion

Phase 6: Final product, after having cut the stem and cleaned the onion.

This protects the onion against attacks from external diseases.

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Address: Farm San Isidro, Volcán, Panama.

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