Equipment to fill a box storage.
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1. Truck loaded with onions arrives at the loading dock.

Filling a box storage from a truck with a rear discharge conveyor.

The equipment needed to fill a onion or potato box storage facility:

Unloading onions.

Unloading onions.

Discharge belt with electric motor, using the facilities electricity.

Discharge belt with electric motor, using the facilities electricity.

Reception of the onion harvest in progress.

Reception of the onion harvest in progress.

The sequence to unload a truck with a discharge conveyor is very simple:

  • Truck arrives at warehouse dock.
  • Truck is connected to a electrical power outlet of the storage facility.
  • The hatch in the back of the truck is opened.
  • A button is pressed and the truck unloads directly into the system of the warehouse.
Discharging  onions on a conveyor belt, which feeds a box filler.

Discharging onions on a conveyor belt, which feeds a box-filler.

The boxes with potatoes inside a box storage

The boxes with potatoes inside a box storage

Box-tippers are used to empty the storage boxes.

To empty the boxes you need a box-tipper. This box-tippers rotate the boxes around an axis at the height of the top edge of the box. This prevents the potatoes or onions from falling too high, which could damage the product.

For more on box-fillers please go to: box-fillers

For more on box-tippers please go to: box-tippers

For more on bruising of the product please go to: bruising of the product

For more on avoiding bruising of the product please go to: avoiding bruising of the product

2. Truck is connected to an electrical power outlet,

3. A small outlet valve is opened at the back of the truck,

4. and with one push of a button the truck is discharged directly into the storage facility.

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