Floor ventilation through slots over underground ducts.
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Ventilación por ductos sub terréanos
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The use of underground ventilation ducts is very affordable, and if the ratio between the surface of the ducts and the solid concrete floor is ...

Warehouse with slotted ventilation channels under the floor.

Ventilation through slotted underground channels

If the measurements of the underground channels, the distance between them and between the slots are gauged properly, this system gives an acceptable quality of ventilation with a limited investment. It is an affordable system, although it provides limited ventilation quality.

Floor with underground ventilations ducts with slots.

Floor with underground ventilation ducts with slots. The lady is standing on top of a duct.

Underground ventilation ducts, covered with wooden planking, used in Cerro Punta, Panama

Underground ventilation ducts, covered with wooden planking, used in Cerro Punta, Panama

The planking of the ducts.

The planking of the channels.

The ventilation turbines

The ventilation turbines in a very simple installation

The use of underground ventilation ducts is very economical, and if the ratio between the surface of the ducts and the solid concrete floor is laid out correctly, then a good level of homogenous ventilation can be ensured.

laid out correctly, then a good level of homogenous ventilation can be ensured.

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Address: Farm San Isidro, Volcán, Panama.

Houses for rent in:
Panama, Volcan,
Paso Ancho

Paso Ancho houses for rent