Vegetable integrated harvesting and handling units.
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Unidades de cosecha e empaque de hortalizas integradas.
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These units are self-propelled or pulled units, in which the complete harvest, the cleaning, the packing, the labeling, the barcoding and the boxing is done in the field.

Harvesting systems.

Lettuce, harvest and packing inthe field
Lettuce, harvest and packing inthe field

The most cost effective way of packing vegetables is by using the packing system in the field. For this BrimaPack has developed a range of harvesting headers. At field level the workers cut & clean the product and put it in in-feed systems which transport the vegetables to the packing machine(s). After packing the vegetables, processing is continued in state of the art packing and boxing stations. On Iceberg lettuce Rig headers the VePack 200 PRV modules are used but also various flow pack systems can be integrated.

BrimaPack supplies the VePack 200-PRV modules in complete System Integrated harvesting headers. These can be supplied with 1 to 9 packing units, from 2 to 16 meters wide. Packing efficiency can be more than doubled, up to 400 heads/worker per hour. Total rig capacity can be 9900 heads/hour, effectively produced throughout the day.

Optionally automatic grading, by produce weight and/or size, can be integrated into the packaging systems. Combined with the actual GPS-data and our in-house developed BrimaNaut software, you can obtain powerful data for optimizing your crop and harvest strategy. Together with our VeCode capabilities, full produce traceability is guaranteed and available at your fingertips.

There are currently three different rig header designs for harvesting. Each rig header can be combined with our own BrimaPack VeTrac rigs and most third party harvesting rigs. The logistics inside the harvesting header and rig are tailored to your specific requirements. Based on our wide expertise, we are able to offer you the highest possible packing efficiency. We not only design for you, but also build the complete harvesting header and integrate it with the rig of your choice, including commissioning, training and start-up on site.

Video of the complete process: harvesting, cleaning, wrapping, weighing and boxing of lettuce in the field
Harvesting, cleaning and packing vegetables at night
Harvesting, cleaning, weighing, packing and labeling in the field at night. Also visit Mechanized vegetable harvest: lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower.

To mechanise your post harvest processes:
contact us:
+1 239 3002374
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Address: Farm San Isidro, Volcán, Panama.

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