Rover rig
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Rover rig, un sistema de dos ejes autopropulsado, de accionamiento eléctrico.
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The Rover rig is a self-propelled, electrical driven, two axle system.

The Rover rig is a self-propelled, electrical driven, two axle system.

Rover rig is a self-propelled, electrical driven, two axle system
Rover rig is a self-propelled, electrical driven, two axle system
The drive unit of the Allantis harvesting unit
The Rover rig, extended.

The Rover rig is a self-propelled, electro driven, 2 axle system. The Rover is self-propelled while harvesting and towed during field change giving maximum efficiency and flexibility. The large working platform folds into a compact trailer unit in less than 15 minutes.

The agile and compact Rover harvester can be equipped with packaging machinery, for packing iceberg lettuce or broccoli, or can be customized for tailor made harvesting, handling or processing system for all kinds of vegetables, herbs and potted plants.

The Rover rig, retracted for road transport
The Rover rig, retracted for road transport

The advantages of these electrical driven systems

  • Platform dimensions up to 5.5 m. wide and 9 m. long. Transportation width 2.55 m. or 3 m.
  • Drive system: electrical.
  • Steering system: Mechanically connected dual fifth wheel steering.
  • 100% differential lock on each axle.
  • Diesel consumption as low as 2.5 liters/hour.
  • E-drive speed from 35 to 1800 meters/hour. Allowed towing speed up to 25 km/h.
  • By request Autopilot, GPRS, Wireless remote control, Automatic levelling system.
The Rover rig, used in an iceberg Lettuce harvest.
The Rover rig, used in an iceberg Lettuce harvest.

To mechanise your post harvest processes:
contact us:
+1 239 3002374
or use our (preferable)
our contact form

Address: Farm San Isidro, Volcán, Panama.

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