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Potato harvesters comes with 1, 2 or 3 webs. The more clay in the soil, the more webs are used, in order to separate the earth from the potatoes.
Potato harvester with two webs.
Girl playing with a diablo.
A potato harvester can cover 2 or 4 rows of potatoes at once, and operates using a diablo roller and three shares for each row of potatoes. The diablo rollers cover the row of potatoes whilst the three shares dig underneath the potatoes and the earth, lifting them onto the intake web.
3 shares underneath the diablo roller.
Whilst the potatoes are on the web, the agitators shake the earth from the potatoes, letting it fall through the web and back onto the ground. At the same time, the potatoes are dropped in rows, making it easier for them to be picked up by the loader and placed in the truck or trailer, to be taken away from the field. The harvesters come with one, two or three webs. The gaps in the web are between 42 and 44 mm wide.
Here you can see the agitator underneath the web.
Windrow chute, to form a row.
The agitation sprocket can be seen underneath the web, in the shape of a blunt three-pointed star. The longer the points, the more intense the agitation of the potatoes and the earth.
The harvester has a windrow chute at the rear, which guide the potatoes as they drop from the final web, turning what were two rows of potatoes into just one, making the work of the loader even easier.
These harvesters come with 1, 2 or 3 webs. The more clay in the soil, the more webs (and agitation) are used, in order to separate the earth from the potatoes. We want to fill our storage facility with potatoes, not earth.
The Samon SA2 harvesting potatoes
2 x 2 ridge potato harvester Samon / Ellens.
It is also possible to harvest 4 rows at the same time, using 4 row harvester.
Close-up of the web.
Harvester for four rows, with two webs.
It is possible to add a conveyor to windrow the potatoes beside the machine
Harvester for 2 rows, with two webs, windrowing the potatoes beside the machine.
Potato harvester in action.
We want to fill our storage facility with potatoes, not clay.
The intake web also helps to dig the ground at the front. Underneath and at the front of the machine there are two diablo rollers. Each roller has three shares (seen in grey in the photo to the right of the page).
The shares dig the earth, lifting it up with the potatoes, which are then pushed onto the intake web. Each web comes with adjustable agitators.
As the potatoes fall, they are guided by a windrow chute so that they land in a row, making it easier for them to be picked up by the loader and placed in the truck or trailer to be taken away from the field. SAMON harvesters also come with a harvesting web, which comes in different widths. They also make machines with a hydraulic drive system.
To mechanise your post harvest processes:
contact us:
+1 239 3002374
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Address: Farm San Isidro, Volcán, Panama.