Exporting or importing onions and potatoes
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Mulder Onions B.V.: Onions and potatoes available around the world, all year round.

Exporting or importing onions and potatoes



The company Mulder Onions B.V was officially founded in 1903. Since its creation, its main produce has been vegetables, fruit, potatoes and onions. Since 1997, Mulder Onions has focused on trading onions and potatoes, mainly sourced from the Netherlands, which are its main products. Mulder Onions exports to some 57 countries around the world: Europe, Africa, Central America and the Far East.

Mulder Onions ensures that their produce is of the highest quality, packed according to their client's wishes, and at competitive prices. It is a given that Mulder Onions aims to please its clients.

All onion varieties

This objective, together with many years of experience in imports and exports, means that their clients really do enjoy the services of an outstanding supplier.

It therefore comes as no surprise that their slogan is "AT YOUR SERVICE SINCE 1903".

Mulder Onions BV sells their own Dutch produce, and also buys from abroad, mainly from the southern hemisphere (New Zealand, South Africa, Chile, Argentina) and also, within Europe, Spain, Germany and Poland, in order to supply the European market.

Mulder Onions BV has the following onions available:
Colour or
Availability Packaging Sizes
Yellow all year round By order all sizes
White July - February By order all sizes
Red July - April By order all sizes
Spain April - March 10, 20, 25 kg and Big Bags * 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Poland October - February 10, 20, 25 kg and Big Bags pickles, 35/50, 50/70, 70/90
Hungary August - September 25 kg and Big Bags 35/50 mm 50/70 mm 70/90 mm
Argentina April - June 20 kg and 25 kg 35/50 mm and 50/70 mm
New Zeeland March - June Big Bags and Bins all sizes
Australia March - June Big Bags and Bins all sizes
South Africa February - April 20, 25 kg and Big Bags 35/50 mm 50/70 mm 70/90 mm
Tasmania March - June Big Bags and Bins all sizes
Chile April - May 20 kg and 25 kg * 1, 2, 3, 4
Garlic all year round 5 kg and 10 kg boxes  
  • * Sizes 0: 130 mm+,
  • * Sizes 1: 115/130 mm,
  • * Sizes 2: 100/115 mm,
  • * Sizes 3: 85/100 mm,
  • * Sizes 4: 75/90 mm,
  • * Sizes 5: 60/75 mm;
  • "Prepack" size 4 is divided up into two categories: 4a: 75/82 mm and 4b: 82/90 mm

Ask us for a CIF estimate (Cost, Insurance and Freight), for shipping to your nearest port.

To mechanise your post harvest processes:
contact us:
+1 239 3002374
or use our (preferable)
our contact form

Address: Farm San Isidro, Volcán, Panama.

Houses for rent in:
Panama, Volcan,
Paso Ancho

Paso Ancho houses for rent