Production costs potatoes in the Netherlands
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Agrovent, BrimaPack, Samos, Verbruggen, Eqraft, SKALS, Marcelissen, Beemsterboer agriculture

Balance per hectare means: gross income minus direct costs per hectare.

The balance per hectare for potatoes is: € 2.611

Production balance of potatoes grown in the Netherlands


The average production balance of the potatoes grown for the industry in the Netherlands.

Neto yield 1)57.000kg0.10€/kg5.700
Starting Material: The SEED
seed potato 2)2.700kg0.35€/kg945
calcium ammonium nitrate26% N y 10 % Ca257kg N0.94€/kg240
triple superphosphate 46% Potasio (P2O5) / 20% Calcium (CaO)117kg P2O51.07€/kg126
kali 60 (chlorine-containing) 60% K2O with chlorine210kg K2O0.51€/kg108
prosulfocarb (800)4l18.6€/l74
mancozeb (68%), cymoxanil (5%)11.75kg9.59€/kg113
chloorprofam (300) 3)0.03l/t50.36€/l86
lambda-cyhalothrin (50)0.3l171.3€/l51
diquat dibromide (200)4l26.63€/l107
metribuzin (70%)0.5kg58.12€/kg29
fluazinam (500)3.3l89.35€/l295
pencycuron (250)2l/t30.08€/l162
fuel and lubricants279l1€/l279
storage 4)1140kWh0.22€/kWh251
Getting the product out of storage57metric ton1.75€/t100
miniral n-samples0.1time34€/unit3
intensive-am investigation(Globodera pallida & rostochiensis)0.25time82.2€/unit21
Fee for national crop organization.1hect20.5€/hect21
potatopol (Insurance against Ralstonia solanacearum y Ringrot & Necrosis infections)1hect16.75€/hect17
hail insurance5.3250.3%16
Balance, money left over, per hectare for
  1. Privately owned mechanization equipment
  2. External services (sowing etc) and day workers
  3. Private income
Soil preparation3hour
planting / sowing1hour
care of cultivation10hour
weeding by hand0hour
harvest & processing (cleaning, grading and delivery)12hour
1) Kg of delivered product to the client, including storage till the end of january (4 months) with it's corresponding shrinkage of 3%.
2) Distance between plants 35/55.
3) For storage till the endof january half a dose of chloro profam (30ml por 1000kg product) has been taken into account.
4) Energy costs for cooling during storage till the end of january and the energy for the warming-up of the product before delivery have been taken into account.

Balance per Unit (Hect.) Day_workers(e=c-d) means:
All the above costs have been paid and subtracted from the GROSS INCOME. From the money that is left over the producer pays the finance costs of his mechanization equipment and then what is left over is:
his salary or income per hectare.

Please note that insurance against specific cultivation illnesses is quite normal in the Netherlands.

Potato harvest in the Netherlands

Potato harvest in the Netherlands
Potato harvest in the Netherlands
Potatoes nearly ready to be harevested
Potatoes nearly ready to be harevested
Field-topping the potato plants
Field-topping the potato plants
Harvesting potatoes
Harvesting potatoes
Potato harvest being delivered to storage
Potato harvest being delivered to storage
Harvesting in the evening
Harvesting in the evening
Freshly harvested potatoes
Freshly harvested potatoes

From this balance the producer has to pay his finance costs, the costs of the outsourcing of planting and harvesting.

And what is left, is his income per hectare per harvest.

To mechanise your post harvest processes:
contact us:
+1 239 3002374
or use our (preferable)
our contact form

Address: Farm San Isidro, Volcán, Panama.

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