Storage systems to dry, cure and store onions & potatoes.
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Los 5 mejores sistemas de almacenaje de cebollas, papas y otras cosechas
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Five different crop storage systems to dry, cure and store onions, potatoes and other comparable crops:

The five crop storage systems for drying, curing and storing.

All systems can dry, cure and store potatoes, but not all systems are suitable for onions. Onions cannot been dried in a system that uses lateral air ventilation. This is because onions have many loose skins, and require a system where the air is forced through them.

For a detailed explanation of each system, click the images here below:

Lateral ventilation

Box storage system with lateral ventilation

Suitable for potatoes

Lateral ventilation

Box storage with lateral ventilation

Suitable for potatoes

Forced floor ventilation for bulk

Bulk storage with pressurised floor ventilation

Suitable for potatoes and onions

Forced ventilation with pressure wall

Box storage with ventilation using a pressure wall

Suitable for potatoes and onions

Forced ventilation with suction wall

Box storage with ventilation using a suction wall

Suitable for potatoes and onions

The science behind drying

The science behind drying and climate control

What is drying?

The basic components of storage systems

The components of the different storage systems

The main components to control the climate within a crop storage facility:

1. Box storage with lateral ventilation

2. Bin storage with lateral ventilation and climate control

3. Bulk storage

4. Box storage with pressurised ventilation

4. Box storage with suction ventilation.

Storage systems 2 to 5 are also suitable for cold storage.

To mechanise your post harvest processes:
contact us:
+1 239 3002374
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Address: Farm San Isidro, Volcán, Panama.

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